Not Important Enough

Have you ever held off on speaking up at an important meeting?  

You know, the type of meeting when you might have held back or gone silent in the company of senior stakeholders who don’t appear to value what you bring to the table because you’re a cost centre not a revenue generator or because you are “just HR?”

Unfortunately, our fear of being judged not important enough can cause us to edit ourselves and to suppress our own voices. 

The irony is that by holding back, we are buying into the perceived judgement that we ARE less important, irrelevant or not worthy of being heard.  

🍏What if those senior stakeholders simply don’t KNOW what current and compelling data and experience your opinions are based on? 

🍏Or maybe they have valid views and concerns that you COULD address successfully? 

🍏What if you gave them - and yourself - the benefit of the doubt? 

🍏How might you approach these same people and situations differently if you let go of the FEAR?

🍏How much more strategic might you be if you let go of your assumptions and stopped holding back?

Our next Talent Talk is all about Elevating Your Strategic Mindset. Join me and your peers on April 13th at 8:30-9:30 am EST for some inspiration and learning! Register HERE

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