Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength and Confidence

reframing Apr 14, 2023

I had to ask for help with a heavy bag the other day.  Arthritis in my hands sometimes makes it painful to pick up heavy things.

Then yesterday at my F45 gym workout, I needed to ask for help with modifying at least 3 different moves.

I don’t really like to ask for help - most of us don’t.  We somehow think it’s a sign of weakness, or we don't want to imposition others.

I remember years ago when I was a teenager. One night at 11:30pm, the phone rang. I picked it up because, hey, I was a teenager and still up! My parents were long ago in bed.

It was my dad's best friend, asking that dad come and pick him up at the airport because he was stuck and there was a taxi strike or something going on.

I said to him, "well, he's asleep so he can't come to the phone or pick you up." Jack said, "it's ok, Lisa, your dad won't mind. He knows I'd do it for him."

Sure enough, I knocked on the bedroom door and told dad his friend was on the phone. He was on his way to the airport 10 minutes later, thanking me for knowing to wake him up!

In my first example, my teenage son was only too happy to proudly share his strong arms and take my over packed bag into the house.  And I could focus on what I’m good at - getting us all organized with things in their rightful place.

In my gym example, my coaches are only too happy to help me get the best workout I can without injuring myself, and I am getting stronger for it.

When we do ask for help, it’s often such a relief! Especially when we remember that the person being asked is usually as fine with it. Just as YOU are fine with it when someone asks you!

Asking for help is a sign of STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE.

Could you use some help figuring out how to manage your own mindset and overwhelming list of to-do’s so you can fully support all the talented people on your team and in your organization?  

Send me a message - there are many ways to work with me and get the support you deserve!

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