You Don't Need More Time

talent management Mar 17, 2023

Ever realize at 7pm that you forgot to take the chicken out to thaw, you need to get your kid to Tae Kwon Do, and then you think “WOW did I even eat lunch today?”   

Ever wish desperately for more hours in the day?

Ever hold off on washroom breaks because your meetings are ALL back to back?

Me too.

But you don't need MORE time.

You need more INTENTIONAL time.

You need to let go of the excuses and commit to yourself.

This is the year to get the support, community and mentorship you need.

🍏You deserve dedicated focus time.

🍏You deserve white space on your calendar.

🍏You deserve a community of thoughtful peers and mentors.

You deserve to be part of The Talent Trust, our  6-month program EXCLUSIVELY for Talent leaders who are ready for unparalleled and meaningful peer support, mentoring, inspiration and results. 

Organizations move fast.  It can be so easy to get swept up in what I call the VORTEX, the place where less than 20% of your time is spent in an INTENTIONAL WAY.  The vortex is the place where you have no time to maximize your potential or your organization’s. You are too busy just keeping up with the swirl.

To be able to spend time in the OASIS, where 80% of your time is spent with high intentionality (think planning, strategy, creativity, innovation), you must BECOME intentional about actually making and keeping the time to BE intentional.  

It's time to implement and sustain your initiatives with ease and confidence!

🍏🍏🍏 It's time to book a call with me and discuss if the program is the right fit for you.




If you're still looking for proof that the program works and that yes, it really is time for you to join - check out the podcast Episodes 50 & 51 to hear from previous members of the Trust!

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