Hiding in Plain Sight – My Essential Productivity-Boosting Activity

Mar 22, 2018

Remember the time when you had a MASSIVE “A-ha!” moment and it felt like it slapped you right across the forehead?    Or maybe it pinched your arm really hard?

One of my more recent a-ha moments - when I finally became aware of something really important – has been a game changer for me in terms of my productivity. 

Back in the fall, my husband and I headed out for a walk after dinner with our dog Jessie.   We had both had a really busy day and needed to decompress, slow down.  We were each talking about how our days had gone, and what we’d manage to get done, or not get done.  I was feeling particularly frustrated because I hadn’t been as productive as I had hoped.   Brain fog had chased me all day, and I never really found my groove.

Rob asked me, “what do you think was getting in your way?”   Great question.   Hmmm.   We walked in silence for a minute while I...

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11-year old Recognizes the Promise of a Simple Goals Board

Sep 11, 2017

Goals.  Such a short word and yet it carries so much baggage for people.  There are September/new school year/new season goals. There are New Year’s goals. Performance goals at work. Hockey goals. Fitness goals. Aspirational goals.  

Goals allow us to get things done. Setting goals means we are less likely to drift along, settling further and further down into our cushy comfort zone, being or becoming “stuck.” Yet without breaking down these goals into clear steps and a realistic plan that stretches our concept of possibility, goals are purely aspirational and will never be attained. 

This morning I had a lovely 8am coffee meeting with a dear friend and former colleague. It was a great way to start the day, and I was humming with energy on my way home, feeling highly motivated to get things done today, yet feeling a bit scattered with all the ideas in my head. As I came into my home office, I found...

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